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Friday, June 20, 2008


Subject : English Language

Class/ Semester : 1(one)/ 1 (one)

Topic : Figure

Sub Topic : Alexander Graham Bell

Time allocation 2 x 45


Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his invention of telephone, one of the important devices that have helped built modern life. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 3rd 1847. Bell was educated at Edinburgh High School and at universities Edinburgh and London. He was son of Melville Bell.

Alexander moved to Canada with his family in 1870. the next year following his father’s profession, his started teaching deal people in Boston. Teaching deaf people was the bell family’s profession. His grandfather had also thought deaf people in Scotland. Alexander Graham Bell did not only teach the deaf, he did even more than that. He opened a private school to train teachers of the deaf.

Task 1

Question Comprehension

1. Who is Alexander Graham Bell?

2. Who was his father?

3. Where and when Bell was born?

4. Where did Bell junior obtain his education?

5. When did A. G. Bell and his family move to Canada?

6. What was his family profession?

Task 2

Choose the profession below related to each sentences given!!!

Librarian Technician Professor Journalist

Musician Secretary Manager Doctor

Electrician Director Peasant Accountant

Hairdresser Barber Sculptor Waiter

1. A person who makes statues

2. An executive who help the director in arranging his schedule

3. If you feel unwell, you better soon go to him/her

4. He looks for news from many sources

5. You often see this person walking on a field

6. He serves food and drink in a restaurant

7. when your motorcycle is damaged, this person repairs it

8. We borrow books from this person

9. This person is in charge of a company

10. This person deals with student at an university.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Subject : English Language

Class/ Semester : 1(one)/ 1 (one)

Topic : Health

Sub Topic : Health

Meeting : 2-3

What should you do stay healthy?

There are various ways to stay healthy. Some people like John try to stay healthy by eating nutritious food. They generally have a balanced diet b including serving daily from the four main food groups: milk group, meat group, and vegetable and fruit group.

Milk group consist of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods. Meat group includes meat, poultry, fish, egg, and meat alternates such as dried beans and nuts. Bread group consist of bread, rice, noodles, cereal and other gain products. Vegetable and fruit group includes beans, spinach, carrots, cabbage, oranges, bananas, mangoes, rambutan, etc.

Another way to stay healthy is by having enough rest and recreation. Although you eat nutritious food, you may ruin your health if you don’t have enough rest. Therefore, you must rest after you work or study hard all day. It is also wise to spend your weekend for recreation. The Robert, for example, usually goes to the movies on their weekend. They also go to the music shows, and sometimes they go to the beach, too. Restoring your energy and refreshing your mind regularly make you stay healthy.

Exercising every day is also another way to stay healthy. The Alex family tries to exercise every day. However, Mr. Alex can not exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at seven o’clock. So he runs every evening instead. He prefers to run than to watch TV. Mrs. Alex goes to the fitness center three times a week. Their son Jimmy walks to school every day. After school he plays different sports with his friend. He sometimes runs with his father in the evening. In fact, exercising every day not only makes you stay healthy but also stays in shape.

task 1: Answer the question.

1. What do you think about healthy and health?

2. Is health very important to you?

3. What’s your opinion about statement above?

4. What’s the information above benefit for you?

5. Do you have other way to keep your health be yourself?

task 2 : make the article about health. you can explain about it in the class